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Esperanza Juvenil

Esperanza Juvenil

Esperanza Juvenil (Boys Hope Girls Hope Guatemala) helps academically motivated children and youth rise above disadvantaged backgrounds and become successful in college and beyond.

Our goal is to develop young people who are physically, emotionally and academically prepared for post-secondary education and a productive life, breaking the cycle of poverty.


Esperanza Juvenil utilizes the following elements to achieve our mission:

  • Academic excellence

  • Service and community engagement

  • Family-like settings to cultivate youth empowerment

  • Long-term and comprehensive programming

  • Faith-based values

  • Voluntary participant commitment


Esperanza Juvenil firmly believes that children have the power to overcome adversity, realize their potential, and help transform our world. Children create these successes when we remove obstacles, support and believe in them, and provide environments and opportunities that build on their strengths.


Antonio Cristiani, President CorpoAgro del Pacífico

Ernesto Ruiz, Corporación AICSA

Peter Klose, Cía. Holandesa de Comercio

Mauricio Nanne, SISAP

Daniel Villatoro, Banco Agromercantil

Ramiro Bolaños, Improvement & Progress

Rosa María Gramajo, Corporación AICSA

Luis Pablo Cobar, Integrum

María Luisa Perezalonso, Corsesa

Maritza Ochoa, MO Consultores

Kristin Ostby, Boys Hope Girls Hope


Contact Info:

Lucas Pinzon and Mendy Maynor





Telephone USA:

Telephone Guatemala:+(502) 2254-9911

Telephone Guatemala:

Address USA:

Address Guatemala:Esperanza Juvenil 12 Avenida 16-32 zona 2 Guatemala City, 01002

Best Practices in Orphan Care

Are you interested in serving orphans? Do you want to work in an orphanage? Do feel called to serve the most vulnerable?If the answer to any of those questions is yes, then you should read our Orphan Care Partnership Guidelines before partnering with an organization.


Asking these simple questions now will give you a better understanding on what to look for in a partnership, evaluate your potential partner and save you from entering into a situation that you might regret later.


Fill out the form to receive an email with everything you need to consider for a fruitful partnership.

Tax-Deductible Donations can be made through FIRE International, a mission sending agency.

Make check payable to "FIRE International" and put Martiny in the memo.


FIRE International, Tim Martiny

P.O. Box 5306 Concord, NC 28027

US Phone: 1-504-677-9033

Guatemala: +502-3054-5433

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