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Give Today - Impact Lives for Eternity

Make a Tax-deductible Donation
through FIRE International
our mission sending agency.
Our fund "Martiny, Tim & Sharie" is selected below.

Giving Details

Donations given through the link above are tax-deductible and processed through

FIRE International

Our mission sending agency which is a 501c3.


Donations can also be given via check payable to:


FIRE International

Put Timothy Martiny in the memo

and mail to:

P.O. Box 5306 Concord, NC 28027


Thank You


Financial support for missions dates back to the early church, as encouraged by Apostle Paul for advancing the Kingdom of God. As faith-based missionaries, we rely on partnerships with churches, businesses, and individuals like you to serve the orphaned, vulnerable, and disabled. Trusting in God's provision, we recognize that He moves hearts to give, just as He gave of Himself. Our work is not ours alone but God's ministry, ongoing since creation. We invite you to join us in supporting God's work in Guatemala through monthly or one-time donations. All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for considering partnering with us.

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